
Gay marriage

Navigating Love and Legalities: Same-Sex Marriage and Divorce in Australia

Legalisation of same-sex marriage Same-sex marriage has been legal in Australia since December 2017, following a national postal survey in which the majority of Australians voted in favour of same-sex couples having the right to marry. The legalisation of same-sex marriage brought with it a host of legal rights and protections that afford couples equality

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The Kardashian/ West split and child support law of Australia

The Kardashian/West split and child support law of Australia The highly publicised divorce of businesswoman Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West (now known by his mononym ‘Ye’) was originally set to go to trial next month but has now reached a financial settlement. The Kardashian/West settlement includes an agreement on the parenting of their four

The Kardashian/ West split and child support law of Australia Read More »

Property Settlements Australia | Dowson Turco

Property Settlements in the Family Court of Australia

You and your former partner have shared a life together. This may mean that together you have: shared assets and liabilities, such as property, savings accounts, credit cards and mortgages; made financial contributions towards the relationship, such as wages and salary or business profits; and made non-financial contributions, such as caring for children and homemaking

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Lesbian Wedding - Image 1 | Dowson Turco Lawyers

Marriage equality is law: the change may unintentionally impact couples’ Wills and Financial Agreements

Wills Wills are generally invalidated upon marriage Section 12(1) of the Succession Act 2006 (NSW) states that ‘a will is revoked by the marriage of a testator.’ That section applies unless the will has been drafted in contemplation of marriage to your significant other. If you are planning to get married as soon as legally

Marriage equality is law: the change may unintentionally impact couples’ Wills and Financial Agreements Read More »

Beach House - Image 2 | Dowson Turco Lawyers

“Prenups” under Australian law. The High Court decides what factors impact on a pre-nup’s validity

THORN & KENNEDY [2017] HCA 49  As the saying goes, ‘you don’t want to spill ink on your wedding dress’.  On 8 November 2017, the High Court of Australia handed down a landmark decision clarifying the meaning of “unconscionable conduct” and “undue influence” with regard to “prenups” and “postnups” (formally known as Financial Agreements under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)). 

“Prenups” under Australian law. The High Court decides what factors impact on a pre-nup’s validity Read More »