Author name: Dowson Turco

Bar in NSW | Dowson Turco Lawyers

Drink driving and drug driving in NSW – disqualification periods and interlock

Over the last 10 years, the laws regulating drink driving in NSW have changed to incorporate the Alcohol Interlock Program, and to prohibit drug driving, and a combination of drink driving and drug driving. Most drink driving offences in NSW are subject to the Alcohol Interlock Program. The Alcohol Interlock Program requires a court to

Drink driving and drug driving in NSW – disqualification periods and interlock Read More »

Mental health impairment or cognitive impairment and criminal law in New South Wales

Since the Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020 (NSW) came into force in March of 2021, replacing the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (NSW) (often referred to because of section 32 of that Act), we have acted for a number of clients who fall within the scope of the new legislation,

Mental health impairment or cognitive impairment and criminal law in New South Wales Read More »

Trans children and the right to gender-affirming treatment: The case of Re Imogen

When do transgender children need to go to court to get treatment? The case of Re Imogen In 2020, the Family Court of Australia (as it then was) heard an application by a mother of a child regarding the child’s wish to seek stage 2 hormone treatment for physical feminisation. The case is known as

Trans children and the right to gender-affirming treatment: The case of Re Imogen Read More »

The Facebook ISIS hack continues in 2022. What should you do if you are hacked?

Since 2020, Dowson Turco Lawyers has acted against Facebook / Meta in claims for reactivation of clients’ Facebook accounts. These claims have arisen because clients have been either hacked or otherwise affected by the Facebook algorithm, triggering deactivation of their accounts and ostensibly no way to reactivation through Facebook’s client facing systems. Dowson Turco has

The Facebook ISIS hack continues in 2022. What should you do if you are hacked? Read More »

The ISIS Facebook Hack is causing Facebook users headaches. We can help.

It’s a busy Facebook (or Instagram) user’s worst fear. A notification that their Facebook or Instagram account is locked and notifications from friends that an image depicting the ISIS flag and terrorist propaganda has been uploaded to the person’s background photo. The companies’ algorithms automatically (and permanently) shut down accounts they detects to be using

The ISIS Facebook Hack is causing Facebook users headaches. We can help. Read More »